People Speak
CR 846. Year 1996

Silkscreen, 50 x 70 cm
Filderstadt: Edition Domberger, 1996 (Concept: Michael Domberger and Norbert Waldmann, realized in cooperation between Südwestfunk Baden-Baden, Edition Domberger, Filderstadt and the swiss teletext AG, Biel)
Number of copies: 350 (no. 1-100 as contribution to a portfolio with works from 12 artists) + 12 a. p., numbered and signed
The contributions were broadcasted as teletext by 3sat in July 1996.
See the works in public space of the same title (110) and (878) and the edition (845).
3sat-Galerie, 1996 (Teletext/Videotext)
II: Friedl/Ott/Stein 1998, p. 246
Participating artists
Werner Berges, Heiner Blum, Helmut Bruch, Jochen Gerz, Reinhold A. Goelles, Alfonso Huppi, Susi Kramer, Anton Stankowski, Gabriele Straub, Ulrich Wagner, Raymond E. Waydelich, Shizuko Yoshikawa