To Speak on Art
CR 793. Year 1979

- EN
To speak on art & fatal tasks is most rewarding / to muse on far-off mountains never boring
Few chainlets for her tiny neck some art to fit emotions / maybe the other way around on top of pills & ...
Painted sheet of paper (photographic opaque) with 3 different texts (type writing), 55 x 76 cm
Paris: Édition Baudoin Lebon, 1979
Number of copies of each: 13 plus 3 a. p., not numbered
The Edition refers to a sequence of the Fuji- Yama-Series (650, 652, 653). See the editions 794, 797 and 798.
Courtesy Galerie Cora Hölzl, Düsseldorf / Vienna
Paris 1987. Düsseldorf 1991. Hannover 1992. Karlsruhe 1993
I: Dudweiler 1981, o. p.