Paul M.
CR 133. Year 1969 / 1970

- EN
- DE
- FR
- IT
The photographs shown here were brought back from a trip to North and Middle America by Paul M., who could not, however, remember having taken them himself.
At first he thought it was due to some ...
Paul M. revolves around the relationship between memory and its materialization as an image; it deals with the relationship between two ways of storing the experienced, the connection of memory and evidence. Paul M. plays through how a lived experience which has become an image and a lived experience that is remembered diverge, how the possession of evidence corrupts memory. The intense search for traces within memory eventually reverses the initial certainty of memory and leads to an adoption of the evidence.
Bernhard Jussen 1997. Translated by eCR editors
Paul M. kreist um den Zusammenhang von Erinnerung und Bildwerdung. In Paul M. geht es um den Zusammenhang zweier Aufbewahrungsweisen des Erlebten, um den Zusammenhang von Erinnerung und Belegen. Paul M. spielt durch, wie Bildwerdung des Erlebten und Erinnerung an das Erlebte auseinanderfallen, wie zugleich der Besitz der Belege die Erinnerung korrumpiert. Die intensive Spurensuche in der Erinnerung dreht schließlich die ursprüngliche Gewißheit der Erinnerung um und führt zur Aneignung der Belege.
Bernhard Jussen 1997
In a tenacious and uncomfortable resistance against the lethal force of a culture of visibility, he confronts the viewer with himself. It depends on him, not on art. Art becomes the means of awareness of one’s own indolence, immaturity, helplessness.
Thomas Wagner 1997. Translated by eCR editors
So konfrontiert er im zähen, unbequemen Widerstand gegen die tödliche Macht einer Kultur der Sichtbarkeit den Betrachter mit sich selbst. Auf ihn kommt es an, nicht auf die Kunst. Diese wird zum Mittel der Erkenntnis der eigenen Trägheit, Unmündigkeit, Ohnmacht.
Thomas Wagner 1997
10 framed b+w photographs, each 30 x 40 cm, 8 framed texts (typed on cardboard), each 27 x 34 cm, total 58 x 580 cm
In addition to the French and the English version a German exhibition version exists at Gerz studio. An Italian translation has been authorized as well.
See the edition (789).
Museum Wiesbaden.
French version: Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris (Cabinet des Estampes).
English version: National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
Karlsruhe 1975 (Duisburg 1975. Braunschweig 1976). Stuttgart 1977 (Hamburg 1977). Zürich 1977. Hamburg 1979. Maastricht 1979. Bielefeld 1981. Düsseldorf 1982. Nürnberg 1983. Berlin 1985. Graz 1986. Valence 1987. Köln 1993. Strasbourg 1994. Vancouver 1994 (Newport Beach 1995. Purchase 1996. Winnipeg 1996/97). Berlin 1998. Essen 2002. Frankfurt 2019.
I: Neuwied 1971, pp. 76-95. Karlsruhe 1975a, p. 89. Zürich 1977b, p. 362. Hamburg 1979, pp. 46-49.Nürnberg 1983, p. 67. Berlin 1985d, p. 281. Calais 1986, pp. 22, 36. Köln 1993, p. 74. Paris 1994a, pp. 19-20. Strasbourg 1994, pp. 20, 27-37. Vancouver 1994, pp. 12, 18-21, 34-35. Regensburg 1995a, p. 230. Berlin 1998, pp. 72-73. Essen 2002, pp.12-15.
II: TAU/MA 5/1978. Marchand-Kiss 1994. Bleiberg 1995, p. 4. Red. 13, 1988, pp. 14-15
V: Wolf 1992, pp. 56-57, 199. Hesse 1995, Jussen 1997. Gieser 2022, pp. 392-393