Es hatte ihn
It had made him
Photo/Text # 90
CR 224. Year 1977

- DE
- EN
Es hatte ihn so unsicher gemacht, dass er angefangen hatte zu stottern. Seine Unfähigkeit, Partei zu ergreifen, war noch größer geworden, nachdem sie gegangen waren. Wahrscheinlich hatte er sie ...
The breadth of Gerz's work and the wide variety of media he employs reveal with paradoxical clarity how fragmented narratives and/or disrupted images construct a place from which to consider relations between history (of earlier times and places) perceived at a distance and the immediacy of our personal experience of the present. Memory is invoked to concentrate the last within the continuity of our space in the present.
Gary Dufour 1994
7 framed b+w photographs, each 18,5 x 13,5 cm, 3 framed b+w photographs, each 13,5 x 18,5 cm, 1 framed text (typed on paper), 13,5 x 18,5 cm, total 36 x 125,8 cm, non-exhibited left-right reversed manuscript (ink on paper), stamped: gelebt/nicht gelebt, signed and dated leftright reversed: Jochen Gerz 22/3/77
In addition to the sold English version a German exhibition version exists at Studio Gerz.
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
Stiftung Kunstfonds, Archiv für Künstlernachlässe, Pullheim.
Hannover 1978. Porto 1978 (Lisboa 1979). Milano 1979. Innsbruck 1979 (Linz 1980. Graz 1980. Wien 1980. Salzburg 1980. Bregenz 1980)
I: Hannover 1978, pp. 148-151. Innsbruck 1979, p. 81. Spenge 1980, pp. 147-155