Er hätte sie gerne noch
He would like to have seen them
Photo/Text # 56
CR 190. Year 1976

- DE
- EN
Er hätte sie gerne noch einmal gesehen. Ungeachtet ihrer Abwesenheit hätte er sie gerne noch einmal angesehen mit geschlossenen Augen. Beide, eine der anderen ähnlich bis zur Unkenntlichkeit, ...
Something happens, it occurs, imprints itself on our minds, fixes itself in the memory, and so it creates motivation to comment on it, say something about it. But the comment could be a translation, which channels the complexity, the simultaneity and impressiveness of experience and directs it into linguistic channels. The level of the pictures remains an experience at second hand, if one handles the picture in the traditional sense of representation and symbolic meaning.
Friedemann Malsch 1988
6 framed b+w photographs, 1 framed text (typed on paper), each 13,5 x 18,5 cm, total 48,5 x 64,3 cm, non-exhibited left-right reversed manuscript (ink on paper), stamped: gelebt/nicht gelebt, signed and dated leftright reversed: Jochen Gerz 9/1/76
In addition to the German original an English translation has been authorized.
Collezione V. de Crescenzo, Roma
Roma 1977. Hannover 1978
I: Lichtenberg 1976, pp. 130-133. Hannover 1978, pp. 40-43