Die griechische Witwe (Penelope & der einarmige Freier)
The Greek Widow (Penelope & the One-Armed Suitor)
Greek Pieces # 9
CR 56. Year 1978

Gerz’s works revolve around the possibilities as well as the limitations of language in its various media iterations, in a one-off authentic process that may involve pain, as well as in the experimental setup in which the video demonstrates its ruthlessness, trapping the actor in repetitive electronic media.
Eleonora Louis, Mechtild Widrich 1997. Translated by e_CR editors
Gerz Arbeiten kreisen um die Möglichkeiten, wie auch um die Grenzen der Sprache in ihren verschiedenen Mediatisierungen, im einmalig authentischen Verfahren, das auch mit Schmerz verbunden sein kann wie auch in der Versuchsanordnung, in der das Video seine Unbarmherzigkeit zeigt, um den Akteur im repetitiven elektronischen Medium zu vereinnahmen.
Eleonora Louis, Mechthild Widrich 1997
Performance / Installation
Video camera, video tape, video recorder, monitor, framing lumber wall, cable, d = 4.5 cm, photographic opaque
A steep wooden wall, the cable rolled out over it, divides the room. A monitor on the floor shows a couple standing motionlessly in front of a veranda window. Whispering at a level incomprehensible to the observer, the man speaks to the woman.
See also the video of the same title (679).
Private apartment, Basel 1978
Chur 1978. Ludwigshafen 1984. Bremen 1988 (Bonn 1988). Wiesbaden 1997
I: Chur 1978. Luzern 1979, p. 95. Bielefeld 1981, p. 110. Ludwigshafen 1984, pp. 30, 102-105. Bremen 1988, pp. 138-143, 340-341. Wiesbaden 1997, pp. 12, 106-111
II: Hartmann 2, 1978, p. 5. Kradolfer 1978, p. 29. Besson 1, 1985, p. 14. Crüwell 1997. Kuni 1997. Rudel 1, 1997. Schossig 1997.