Ich komme gleich zurück (Eurydike)
I’ll be right back (Eurydice)
Greek Pieces # 1
CR 46. Year 1975

The communication of a message is performed without any message materialising. We see only the investment made in this action. Or Gerz actually does battle against the image, trying as a human being to prevail over the medium. The absurdity of this attempt exposes the inhumanity of the image, its indifference, apathy and lifelessness. ... Life reveals itself by not being able to stand up to the intact rigidity of the image. The performance thus consists in a demonstration that Gerz is not a work of art.
Erich Franz 1981. Translated by e_CR editors
Ein Sich-Mitteilen wird vorgeführt, ohne dass eine Mitteilung zustande kommt. Was man sieht ist alleine das Sich-Investieren in diese Aktion. Oder Gerz kämpft ganz real gegen das Bild, er versucht sich als Mensch gegen das Medium durchzusetzen. Die Absurdität dieses Versuchs macht die Unmenschlichkeit des Bildes, seine Gleichgültigkeit, Teilnahmslosigkeit und Leblosigkeit deutlich. … Das Leben zeigt sich, indem es die intakte Starrheit des Bildes nicht durchhält. Die Performance besteht also in der Demonstration, dass Gerz kein Kunstwerk ist.
Erich Franz 1981
Performance / Installation
2 cameras, 2 tripods, 2 sheets of parchment (painted with photographic opaque), each 60 x 80 cm, b/w photograph, 100 x 80 cm, cassette recorder, cassette
The lenses of two cameras painted with photographic opaque are pointed at two overlapping wall sections. The sections are marked with sheets of parchment painted with photographic opaque. During the performance, Jochen Gerz kneels in front of the wall, immobile. His right hand and forearm are painted with photographic opaque and raised in such a way that they become a part of the image on the wall. In the installation, the artist is replaced by his photograph. The sounds of Hawaiian guitars are heard in the room.
Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe 1975
I: Chur 1978, pp. 9-11. Frankfurt 1980, p. 16. Bielefeld 1981, pp. 11, 42, 102. Ludwigshafen 1984, pp. 10, 38-43
II: Hohmeyer 1975, p. 210. Rickelt 1975. Schwarz 1976, pp. 120-121. Molderings 1, 1980, p. 124
IV: Der Löwe 1976, p. 43
V: Metken 1977, p. 137. Wolf 1992, p. 212