Cette fois celui qui
Diesmal befand sich derjenige
Photo/Text # 27
CR 161. Year 1974

- DE
- FR
Diesmal befand sich derjenige, der den Apparat hielt, im Blickfeld. Es war anzunehmen, dass sich der Gegenstand des Interesses ausserhalb des Bildes aufhielt.
…Nor is it easy to decode the photographs …, whose special merit consists in their quality as snapshots. At first glance the motifs appear familiar but by grouping the matter into similar pairs or duplicates, by avoiding studied artistic interventions Gerz achieves an effect as if drawing a transparent veil of unfamiliarity. If Gerz forms columns of lines to supplement illustrations, suggesting a correspondance between text and image, the reader very soon arrives in a no-man's land - in which he tries to locate the meaning of the two only seemingly related information systems.
Hans-Werner Schmidt 1999
6 b+w photographs, text (handwritten with ink on cardboard and typed on paper), mounted on cardboard, wooden frame, 60 x 70 cm, stamped: gelebt - nicht gelebt, Jochen Gerz, dated and signed: 26/1/74 Jochen Gerz
In addition to the German original a French translation has been authorized.
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Karlsruhe 1975 (Duisburg 1975. Braunschweig 1976)