C’est seulement soustrait
Erst ganz den Blicken entzogen
Photo/Text # 18
CR 152. Year 1973

- FR
- DE
C’est seulement soustrait tout à fait aux regards que cela devenait accessible et parvenait à résister à sa censure. Jusque là allait leur complicité dans cette affaire. Après, la mémoire, restée ...
Gerz is not only concerned with memory as a form of cultural knowledge. For him, memory is rather the mainspring of human uncertainty and self-questioning. And it is only in this continual as self-induced uncertainty that there is, paradoxically enough, a chance of developing a self-awareness that is not in permanent danger of de-generation into self-deception, whether in the form of a superiority complex or an inferiority complex. Historically, self-deception has always had catastrophic social consequences, and so, acceding to Gerz, it is not just a matter of remembering, but above all one of making memory relevant to the present situation and of gaining insight into its fundamental importance of an ethics for the future is to be developed.
Friedemann Malsch 2002
b+w photograph, painted with photographic opaque, text (handwritten with ink on wood and typed on paper), mounted in wooden frame, 61 x 24 x 8 cm, stamped: vécu - non-vécu, Jochen Gerz, dated and signed: 3/8/73 Jochen Gerz
The opposite illustration has been realized before mounting the dossier.
In addition to the German original a French exhibition version exists at Gerz studio.
Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg.
Kunsthalle zu Kiel.
Karlsruhe 1975 (Duisburg 1975. Braunschweig 1976). Essen 2002
I: Lichtenberg 1974, pp. 44-45. Duisburg 1978a, p. 55. Hannover 1978, p. 20, Essen 2002, pp. 34-35
V: Wolf 1992, p. 81, p. 210