CR 740. Year 1970

- EN
- FR
Dear Mr. Howeg,
I have been fascinated for some time by the treatments that the ancient Egyptians applied to their dead. Reading the rather dry descriptions of their habits gives me a specific ...
Reproductions of 25 photo-collages (offset), each 29.5 x 21 cm, typed letter on tracing paper in transparent plastic box and case with pasted photo, 24.5 x 30.5 x 3 cm
Hinwil/Zürich: Edition Howeg, 1970
Number of copies: 200, numbered and signed
Some copies of Burials are part of the edition Postsachen (779). See the single work Target Piece (603).
Tokyo 1970 (Nô Piece). Grenoble 1971. Rapperswil 1972. Basel 1977. Ljubljana 1978 (Sarajevo 1978). Beograd 1978. Zürich 1979. Bruxelles 1985. Düsseldorf 1991. Hannover 1992. Karlsruhe 1993. Marseille 1993
I: Grenoble 1971, p. 17. Belgrad 1978, pp. 10-13. Luzern 1979, p. 50. Marseille 1993, p. 312. Neuwied 1971, pp. 19-23. Bielefeld 1985, p. 11-12. Florida 1986, p. 382 (Memory Piece)
II: Gercke 1971. Graf 1972, p. 531
V: Sarenco 1970. Informationsschrift Galerie nächst St. Stephan 1974, p. 2
VI: Mitteilungen des Instituts fur moderne Kunst Nürnberg 1972, p. 22. Cormoran y delfin 1972, p. 23
Their piece / Ritual Piece / Creation Piece / History Piece / After piece / Thin piece / Culture piece / Ave piece 1 / Ave piece 2 / Ave piece 3 / Ave piece 4 / Alternative Piece / Two Pieces / Official Piece / Here Piece / Yes Piece / Shadow Piece / Anonymous Piece / Million Piece / Eternal 1 Piece / Nô Piece / It Piece / Memory Piece / French Piece / Found Piece / Target Piece / Burials - Text by Jochen Gerz