Schreiben mit der Hand
To Write with the Hand
Ecrire avec la main
CR 32. Year 1972

- EN
- DE
- FR
These words are my flesh and my blood
Gerz’s depiction is never impartial or emotionless. With unassailable precision it visualizes real things as if it referred to nothing else but their materiality. Their presence however is confronted with another one, and this second one with yet another, a third presence. The pictures of conditions, situations, sensitiveties - they all convey being - one from which we can feel we are excluded. It is the awareness of the other, which is being assessed. Emotions are triggered by the awareness of non-identity.
Georges Schlocker 1975. Translated by e_CR editors
To expose oneself, to bring oneself into play, to jeopardise and stress oneself until exhaustion is ultimately an answer which Gerz is increasingly willing to give in light of the evident division of art and life.
Peter Friese 1991. Translated by e_CR editors
Das sich Aussetzen, die eigene Person exemplarisch ins Spiel bringen, gefährden und bis zur Erschöpfung beanspruchen, ist schließlich eine Antwort, die Gerz mehr und mehr gegenüber der zu beobachtenden Trennung von Kunst und Leben zu formulieren bereit ist.
Peter Friese 1991.
Duration 3 minutes
Using his index finger, Jochen Gerz writes the sentence Diese Worte sind mein Fleisch und mein Blut (These words are my flesh and my blood) on the outside wall of a building. Letters are visible as traces of blood at the end of the sentence. The sentence is taken from the installation of the same title (25).
A photo piece of the same title is realized on the basis of the performance (618).
Hessischer Rundfunk, Bertramstraße, Frankfurt 1972
I: Darmstadt 1973, pp. 144-146. Karlsruhe 1975a, p. 126. Paris 1975a, p. 57. Bielefeld 1981, pp. 36, 96. Essen 1991, p. 8. Wien 1995, p. 413. Bolzano 1999, p. 115
V: Wolf 1992, p. 199. Louis/Widrich 1997, p. 13. Hoeven 2015, pp. 210-250. Gieser 2022, pp. 328-329
6 b/w photographs, each 40 x 27 cm
Exhibitions of the documentation
Los Angeles 1998 (Wien 1998. Barcelona 1998/99. Tokyo, 1999)