Propos contenus à l’aube
Verhaltene Rede vor Tagesanfang
Restrained Words before Daybreak
CR 696. Year 1989

The tapes from the beginning of the decade… are placed under the sign of Gerz' concern with the compatibility of artistic activity with the medium… in Propos contenus à l'aube (1989), the technological framework is fully subordinated to the content-determined structure of the work, and the operational mechanisms of the medium are consciously employed in their mind-molding function.
Friedemann Malsch 2002
Videotape, U-Matic, color, sound, 14 min
Collection Fonds d'art contemporain de la Ville de Genève.
Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin.
Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.
Courtesy Vidéo les Beaux Jours, la Maison de l’Image, Strasbourg and imai, inter media art institute, Düsseldorf
French text see Jochen Gerz, De l’art, textes depuis 1969, pp. 284-288 (Paris 1994 b)
For the German translation see Jochen Gerz, Daran Denken, Texte in Arbeiten 1980 – 1996, pp. 175-180 (Düsseldorf 1997)
Strasbourg 1994. Genève 1999. Paris 2002 (Strasbourg 2002. Liechtenstein 2002). Paris 2022.
I: Paris 1994 b, pp. 284-288. Strasbourg 1994, pp. 108-112. Düsseldorf 1997, pp. 175-180. Genève 1999, pp. 47ff. Paris 2002, o. p.