Pour ne pas le perdre de vue
Um es nicht aus dem Blick zu verlieren
Photo/Text # 12
CR 146. Year 1973

- FR
- DE
Pour ne pas le perdre de vue il s’était retiré derrière quelques obstacles qui semblaient barrer tout accès à la place, dont on n’entendait que des bruits diffus. La discrétion dont usent certains ...
The written word is not a centre, which establishes the picture as its margin, nor is the speaking picture central to the "helpless" written sentence. Neither has the privilege of being the origin of the other. They are produced by dialogical thinking, a way of thinking which does not replace or exclude monological thought but rather includes it, through its "unmaking".
Bojana Pejic 1993
b+w photograph, text (handwritten with ink on cardboard and typed on paper), mounted on cardboard, wooden frame, 40 x 50 cm, stamped: gelebt - nicht gelebt, Jochen Gerz, dated and signed: 29/6/73 Jochen Gerz
In addition to the German original a French translation has been authorized.
Sammlung Hahn, Köln
Karlsruhe 1975 (Duisburg 1975. Braunschweig, 1976)
I: Lichtenberg 1974, pp. 34-35. Karlsruhe 1975a, p. 4