Portrait of the Artist as a Young Bourgeois
Portrait des Künstlers als junger Bourgeois
CR 496. Year 1968

Die Gerzschen Bilder imaginieren immer nur Fragmente, oder enthalten mehrere sich palimpsestartig überlagernde Bedeutungsschichten. Die Gerzsche Sprache trägt in sich die Möglichkeit der Verneinung, der paradoxalen Konstruktion, der Tautologie, des Wiederspruches gegen sich selbst und gegen das Bild, das sie manchmal vorgibt zu dokumentieren.
Peter Friese 1991
… We can see each of Gerz' work as a kind of self-portrait, a renewed skeptical positing of the definition of his identity and a confrontation with the inner "other", which activates structures of existence the underlying code of which he cannot reach. The skepticism frustrates the definition of the self's identity each time anew, and at the same time weaves the web of both artistic and his private existence.
Mordechai Omer 1995
Visual Poetry
2 Collages (Letraset, grid screen, typewriting) on paper, each 16.1 x 16.1 cm
A detail of the work has been published on the cover of Text-Bilder by Klaus-Peter Dencker (Köln 1972).
The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, Miami Beach (1981)
Another copy (18 x 18 cm) is part of the archive JG.
Tel Aviv 1995. Berkeley 1969. Milano 1969. Tokyo 1970 b. Solbad Hall 1970
I: Luzern 1979, p. 40. Florida 1986, pp. 46, 64 und 382. Regensburg 1995 a, p. 227. Tel Aviv 1995, p. 12
II: Deucker 1972, p. 19. Dunne 2015, web
IV: Köln 1972 (Cover). Delo 1975, p. 528
V: Deucker 1972, cover and p. 104. Weiss 1984, pp. 147, 149. Römer 1992, pp. 71-72. Sackner 2015 p. 137. Gieser 2022, p. 175.
VI: Neuwied and Berlin 1971, pp. 16-17