Les témoins de Cahors
The Witnesses of Cahors
CR 129. Year 1998

- FR
Quand mes élèves sont venus avec l'étoile jaune, ils n'étaient pas fiers. Je ne pensais pas en avoir autant. À présent, je veux partir la première, laisser la place.
... from his earliest works, Gerz has sought to link recollected experience to our present-day realities, through notions of historical reconstructions of memory modulated by the continual flux of doubt. He consistently avoided reconciliation of different histories, constructed from distinctly different vantage points, that form singular, unifying conclusions. Each work was seemingly irreducible to the categories, types, or genres familiar within contemporary art practice. Gerz’s work and that of his contemporaries crossed over into the realm of events, processes, and experiences in a desire to transform the viewer into an “author". Gerz reverses a classical aesthetic by pushing fiction back with real time events and everyday politics.
Gary Dufour 1994
La condensation effectuée ici entre les traits de ces femmes âgées, parfois au bord du silence, les mots qu’elles choisissent pour dire la somme d’une vie écoulée, et la référence indirecte mais limpide au procès Papon alors en cours - tout cela, restitué dans l’espace public sous forme d’affiches ou de projections, nous touche fortement.
Régis Durand 1998
Il peut s’agir en effet du pathétique inhérent à ces "vies minuscules”, qui sont en fait les nôtres, quand arrive le temps de se préparer à mourir et de passer en revue la somme dérisoire des secrets et des regrets. Mais peut-être surtout de cette conscience lancinante que, quoi qu’on dise, tout est dans le présent, et dans ses relations impossibles à ce qui est passé. Ce passé, “réalité historique”, “vérité” des choses, il faudrait pouvoir croire qu’il a une consistance exacte, irréfutable. Or il n’en est rien : l’histoire hésite, les individus oublient ou renoncent, les jugements se brouillent. Penser que parler (“communiquer”) vaut mieux que se taire, que faire un travail de vérité et d’épuration symbolique vaux mieux que laisser la poussière tomber - c’est à peu près l’option optimiste qu’il est encore possible de prendre, si l’on y tient.
Régis Durand 1998
Gerz attempts to make the monument and the human being more similar to one another, since the monument too is subject to the workings of time. He abandons the notion of the self-sufficient, “eternal” monument, and instead creates a work that lives and dies. Its physical manifestation is temporary, but accompanied by the progressive revelation of an immaterial dimension, which essentially comes to expression through language.
Andreas Hapkemeyer 1999
Gerz’s mature work can be seen as a long-term effort to restore this practice of dispute to the monuments of the post-war avant-garde. His projects use written language not because of its presumed anti-aesthetic properties as in conceptual art, but because of its extraaesthetic appeal as a shared medium of commemoration.
Mechtild Widrich 2014
Work in public space
(in cooperation with students from the École des Beaux-Arts in Toulouse: Dorothée Bayard, Alexa Courdesses, Sabine Deville, Caroline Mader, Hélène Merlet), Photographs: Pierre Lasvenes, Cahors
Bilboards, each 119 x 174 cm, large slides, slide projection, special edition of the newspaper La Dépêche du Midi (May 28, 1998), publication at Actes Sud, Arles, 1998
Before pronouncement of the court decision in the trial of Maurice Papon – a high-ranking official in the Vichy government and a post-war minister accused of responsibility for the deportation of many Jews from the Bordeaux area – 48 female residents of Cahors between the ages of 70 and 103 are interviewed. They are asked about the relationship between their own personal, private truth and a public-social truth. A number of statements are taken from these interviews and integrated as texts into portrait photos of the women. They are displayed as billboards and slide projections in downtown Cahors, in an edition of the newspaper La Dépêche du Midi and in a publication (Act Sud).
The portraits are published as an edition as well (851).
Cahors 1998 (Le Printemps de Cahors)
I: Arles 1998. Bolzano 1999, pp. 90 - 95. Zürich 2000, p. 107. Frankfurt/New York 2016, pp. 11, 39-4-, 44-45, 58, 76, 155. Ivry-sur-Seine 2017, pp. 131-132, 192-193. Paris/Toulouse 2021, p. 45. Leipzig/Bochum 2022, pp. 59-71-77
II: Baumann 1998, p. 38. Géniès 1998, pp. 132-134. Le Nouvel observateur 11. - 17.6.1998, p. 133. Ollier 1998, p. 37. Buchwald/Schrott 1999, pp. 143 – 147. Vickery 2011, pp. 219-235. Guigues 2015, pp. 1-13.
III: Sans 1998
V: Colleoni, Guerisoli 2014, p. 195. Gavagnin 2018, pp. 397 - 398.
Posters, Dia slides, Newspaper, publication at Actes Sud, Arles, 1998
Exhibitions of the documentation
Bolzano 1999