CR 11. Year 1970

Everything is a copy.
Tout est une copie.
Alles ist eine Kopie.
Todo es una copia.
Persévérez à penser s. v. p.
Please think on.
Bitte denken Sie weiter.
Perseverare nel pensare per piacere. ...
Power is in the hands of those who possess exchange and communications systems. It is partially for this reason that by refusing the intermediary role of galeries or museums, some artists undertake to diffuse their work and relevant information themselves… If an artist is to use postal institution to his own ends, he is obliged to take into account all the rules and limitations of the system he employs, even if he derides it. Divided as he is between the urge to take possession of the power of the information and the desire to contest the very form of the means employed, the artist must accept this contradiction.
Jean-Marc Poinsot 1970
Between that which has passed and that which will come, in the “Deleuze fact of the moment,” something uneasy, grotesque, meaningful or even amusing settles down. In this short moment, which precedes the invitation to continue to do the same thing, a trace remains which feeds on the paradox and the complexity of urban topography and which stages the city as a postmodern reflection figure though the moment of seeking.
Museumsplattform NRW 2016. Translated by e_CR editors
Performance / Work in public space
Cards (ink on paper)
Number of copies unknown, each 10.5 x 14 cm
Printed cards are distributed or mailed to persons from the art scene and others picked randomly from the phone book (Mail Art)
An edition of the same title exists (739).
Paris 1970
I: Bolzano 1999, p. 106