Der Gedenktag des 16. Juni 1974 findet heute statt
The Memorial Day for June 16, 1974, Takes Place on the Same Day
La journée commémorative du 16 juin 1974 a lieu le jour même
CR 39. Year 1974

Gerz beabsichtigt mit dieser Arbeit, die Gegenwart, die gelebten Augenblicke dadurch aufzuwerten, daß er versucht, sie so unmittelbar wie möglich, d.h. im Augenblick selbst, bewußt zu machen.
Margarethe Joachimsen 1975.
As the present becomes absent in a split second, the former must somehow be grasped. There are two possible ways to achieve this: either we inscribe the former into our memory or we allow images to do it for us.
Bojana Pejic 1993
Though formally diverse, Gerz's works all seek to empower viewers, offering them the authority and freedom to construct meaning. This is most evident in his "interactive sculptures," which solicit public opinion as their primary material… In the installation The Memorial Day for May 29, 1974, Take Place on the Same Day, 1974, … a microphone hooked up to a loudspeaker … projects the voice of anyone who wishes to be heard. The work equalizes the roles of artist and spectator, dismantling the traditional hierarchy that elevates art and artist above the viewing public. The content of The Memorial Day is ephemeral - the voices are not recorded.
Kirby Gookin 1996
It is all about the function of time as a factor in arts and culture. Nothing withstands time without change.
Volker Rattemeyer 1997. Translated by e_CR editors
White oil chalk, slate board, 21,5 x 28,7 cm, wooden chair, microphone, stand, amplifier, audio system with delay unit, speaker
A slate board with the hand-written title of the work and the date, updated each day, hangs on the wall above a chair. All sounds made in the room are played back with a delay interval of one second
Bochum 1974. Paris 1974. Vancouver 1994 (Newport 1995. Purchase 1996. Winnipeg 1996/97). Leipzig 1994. Paris 1994. Wiesbaden 1997
I: Karlsruhe 1975a, pp. 21, 130. Paris 1975a, pp. 9, 18, 29-31, 59. Leipzig 1994, p. 21. Vancouver 1994, pp. 50-51. Wiesbaden 1997, pp. 10-11, 56, 58-59
II: Parent 1974, p. 88. Gatard 1978, p. 35. Gookin 1996. Crüwell 1997. Grus 1997. Henke 1+2, 1997. Kuni 1997. Rudel 1+2, 1997. Schossig 1997
III: Naggar 1974. Schossig 1997