Das Rauchen
The Smoking
La fumée
CR 60. Year 1971

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- FR
Was würden sie sagen? Würden sie das Spannen des Auslösers hören und im Schlaf (auch sie) das Echo der nicht endenden Salven? Würden sie seinen Atem hören? Des Jägers Atem oder den Atem der Beute?
196 photographs (framed), each 13 x 18 cm, pane of glass, 36 x 36 cm, text (typed on paper), 36 x 36 cm, white wooden pedestal, 99.5 x 38 x 38 cm
The photographs were taken on March 16, 1971 during the performance of the same title in Neuwied (17). Without the aid of a tripod, a series of photographs was taken of a factory smokestack as rapidly as the camera mechanics allowed. The performance ended after 196 exposures when the camera broke down. The prints are mounted on a wall in front of which a pedestal shows the text.
On the basis of the performance and the installation the Photo/Text Es schien ... (It seemed ...) (195) is realized.
Museum Wiesbaden
Porto 1978 (Lisboa 1978). Frankfurt 1980. Düsseldorf 1982. Düsseldorf 1988 (Wien 1988. Jouy-en Josas 1989. Saint-Etienne 1989. Hamburg 1990). Vancouver 1994 (Newport Beach 1995. Purchase 1996. Winnipeg 1996/97). Wiesbaden 1997
I: Frankfurt 1980, p. 20. Bielefeld 1985, pp.17, 194. Düsseldorf 1988, pp. 69-71. Vancouver 1994, pp. 23, 40. Regensburg 1995a, p. 228. Wiesbaden 1997, pp. 9, 22-27
II: Burchardt 1979. Krämer-Badoni 1980. Walden 1988. Drateln 1989, pp. 44-45. Pfütze 1990, p. 15. Preuss 1+2, 1990. Campbell 1994. Grus 1997. Haase 2, 1997. Rudel 1, 1997. Wagner 2, 1997
V: Blümler 1989, pp. 4, 14. Wolf 1992, pp. 75-76, 206-207