They repeated each movement
Sie wiederholten jede Bewegung
Ils répétèrent chaque mouvement
Photo/Text # 19
CR 153. Year 1973

- EN
- DE
- FR
They repeated each movement for the exposure. Each picture would contain only its own error. Thus, they assured themselves of the invisibility of what had happened. The truer the picture became, the ...
2 b+w photographs, text (handwritten with ink on cardboard and typed on paper), mounted on cardboard, wooden frame, 40 x 50 cm, stamped: gelebt - nicht gelebt, Jochen Gerz, dated and signed: 3/9/73 Jochen Gerz
In addition to the German original a German exhibition version exists at Studio Gerz. As well English and French translations have been authorized.
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Rijols 1974. Paris 1975 . Karlsruhe 1975 (Duisburg 1975. Braunschweig 1976). Lyon 1991. Vancouver 1994 (Newport Beach 1995. Purchase 1996. Winnipeg 1996/97)
I: Lichtenberg 1974, pp. 46-47. Rijols 1974, pp. 12-13. Lyon 1991, p. 93. Paris 1994a, p. 21. Vancouver 1994, p 30
V: Wolf 1992, p. 211