The Plural Sculpture
CR 117. Year 1995

If art had the power to change your time, what would you ask for?
If art had the power to change our time, it would become
The concept of co-authorship requires a redefinition of "sculpture". In Gerz's work, "sculpture" is no longer the three-dimensional shaping of materials and spaces by an artist; it is no longer expressed through material formation. Rather, any materials that are used function as catalysts to initiate experiences; they are mere outlines on which the actual "sculpture" crystallizes. The sculpture itself remains immaterial, or - to use a fashionable term - virtual.
Marcus Landert 1999
Net Art radikalisiert die Dekonstruktion der Autorenschaft… Das Netz ersetzt die Hierarchie des Betriebsystems durch tausend Plateaus, die sich in ephemeren Konjunktionen begegnen… Durch ihre Allgegenwärtigkeit und Simultanität vermögen sie das Entfernteste und Nächste miteinander zu verbinden. Der Verzicht auf eine hierarchische Struktur lässt dabei Verbindungen und Verknüpfungen entstehen, die ohne sie kaum denkbar wären.
Marion Hohlfeldt 2004
Work in public space / work in the Internet
(with art students from the Purchase College of Art, State University New York, Visual Arts Division and Marah Rosenberg)
Websites at: Ädaweb, New York www.ä and
German answers are shoned in:
The question "If art had the power to change your time, what would you ask for?" is posted for different target groups on the Internet. More than 230 answers are received and exhibited at the New York Kunsthalle in September 1985.
New York 1995. Bolzano 1999
World Wide Web, May - September 1995
I: Ostfildern 1995, p. 84. Bolzano 1999, pp. 72 - 73
II: Gookin 1996. Hagmeyer 1997
IV: Artforum International 1995