The Medium is the Message
CR 486. Year 1968

- EN
The Medium is the Message
The medium is the Ma$$age
Like Sisyphus, rolling the stone to the top again and again; like Don Quichotte, pitting himself against the spell of his own imagination time and again, Jochen Gerz repeatedly fights in the realm of letters, images and texts against the insurmountable sway of the media, which freeze life.
Thomas Wagner 1997. Translated by eCR editors
Wie Sisyphos seinen Stein immer wieder nach oben wälzt, wie Don Quichotte den Kampf gegen die Faszination seiner Einbildungen immer wieder aufnimmt, so ficht Gerz im Reich der Zeichen, der Bilder und Texte, immer wieder gegen die unüberwindliche Macht der Medien, in denen das Leben erstarrt
Thomas Wagner 1997
Visual Poetry
Collage (typewriting) on paper, 19.8 x 17.7 cm
See the editions Rechtsschreibung, ego. &cetera (749) and The medium is the message (761 and 792). Cards of edition 792 are part of the catalogue Come on over to the dark side (Luzern 1979).
Liege 1970. London 1972. Los Angeles 1978 (New York 1978. Indianapolis 1978. New Orleans 1978) Literatur / Publications IV: Omnibus News 1969. Ops Veda 1970, p. 2. Ovum 10, 1970, p. 4
IV: Omnibus News 1969. Ops Veda 1970, p. 2. Ovum 10, 1970, p. 4
V: Klinge 2009, pp. 317-321