Pièce pour 1, 2, 3, 4
Piece for 1, 2, 3, 4
CR 18. Year 1971

- EN
- FR
- DE
Between 2 and 5 pm, three gardeners were beside the museum
Gerz will nicht das Leben beschreiben, ordnen, verfügbar machen, sondern es so fremd und unverstanden belassen, wie es sich ihm darbietet. Indem er die Wirklichkeit sich selbst überläßt, indem er ihr gegenüber distanziert und abgesondert bleibt, hält er sich offen und erlebt mehr von ihr, als wenn er in sie eindringen, sie sich aneignen und eindeutig bestimmen wollte.
Erich Franz 1981
Like other artists of his generation, Gerz came to look upon the Jardin des Plantes in Paris as a special place for experimental “field research”. As a space with a “half-public” quality, it was particularly suitable for almost intimate studies of the altered ways in which the private is perceived in public spaces. One of his most essential concerns was for his work to be able to integrate time.
Marion Hohlfeldt 1999
Duration 3 hours
In a flower bed in the Jardin des Plantes adjacent to the museum, three garden workers stamp a new soil distributed several days before by a caterpillar tractor.
A photo piece of the same title is realised on the basis of the performance (606).
Jardin des Plantes, Paris, 16.3.1971, 14.00 - 17.00
I: Neuwied 1971, pp. 63-75. Roma 1973 pp. 18-19. Heidelberg 1974, p. 37. Paris 1975a, p. 53. Bielefeld 1981, pp. 10, 88, 90. Vancouver 1994, p. 38. Bolzano 1999. Bolzano 1999, pp.12, 110. Zürich 2000, p. 99
III: Parent 1972 in Chorus 1973, pp. 33-35
V: Debary 2017, pp. 57, 152-153