Nur eine einzige (geliebte) Rose?
Only a Single (Beloved) Rose?
CR 72. Year 1979

The boy who, in Goethe’s poem about the rose on the heath, can only seize its beauty for himself by picking it and thus consigning that beauty to decay, is a leitmotif of the work. This is a metaphor for hunter and prey, but also, as so often with Gerz, an inference and a self-portrait of both the artist and his subject. Picking the rose in turn stands for making a picture, the artist’s production equated with his indebtedness to life, which gives rise to art but is not adequately reflected in it.
Volker Rattemeyer 1997. Translated by e_CR editors
48 loudspeakers, d = 18 cm, each with loudspeaker cables of approx. 17 m length, amplifiers, CD player, CD, rose
48 loudspeaker cables are suspended from the ceiling of the room in a circle with a diameter of approx. 1.50 m. They are connected to an equal number of loudspeakers on the floor from which wails and the stamping of feet are heard. A single red rose lies on the loudspeakers in the center of the circle. The rose gradually wilts during the exhibition.
Museum Wiesbaden
Kassel 1980. Frankfurt 1982 (Hannover 1982). Düsseldorf 1988 (Wien 1988. Jouy-en Josas 1989. Saint-Etienne 1989. Hamburg 1990). Vancouver 1994 (Newport Beach 1995. Purchase 1996. Winnipeg). Tel Aviv 1995. Wiesbaden, 1997
I: Kassel 1980. Düsseldorf 1988, pp. 58-59. Vancouver 1994, p. 61. Regensburg 1995a, p. 240. Tel Aviv 1995, p. 71. Wiesbaden 1997, pp. 14, 158-161
II: Orzechowski 1980. Meister 1988. Red. 9, 1988. Red. 10, 1988. Sotriffer 1988. Tabor 1988. Drateln 1989, p. 44. Red. 5, 1989. Bastian 1990. Hopp 1990, p. 13. Pompesius 1990. Pfütze 1990, p. 15. Red. 3, 1990. Red. 4, 1990. Red. 5, 1990. Red. 1, 1995, p. 6. Sgan-Lohen 1995. Baer-Bogenschütz 1, 1997. Haase 2, 1997. Henke 1, 1997. Kuni 1997. Melten 3, 1997. Völkel 1997. Schossig 1997. Wagner 2, 1997.
III: Chevrier 1989, p. 71. Baer-Bogenschütz 1997
IV: Informationsschrift Kasseler Kunstverein 1980, p. 31