La salle, la reproduction
The Space, the Reproduction
CR 28. Year 1972

With Gerz, a performance is primarily a technique of self-experience. It is an activity in which he attempts to explore himself and his environment by means of intervening in a given situation. Principally, the artist's intervention is so designed that the other people in this situation (at first pedestrians on the street, later visitors in museums and galleries) are enabled to share a lively experience.
Herbert Molderings 1984
Polaroid camera with film. Duration 25 minutes.
Beginning in one corner of the studio, Jochen Gerz takes Polaroid photographs of the visitors in the room from a distance of one meter, placing each photo on the floor at the spot at which it was taken. The performance ends when all of the visitors are replaced by photographs.
Atelier Janicot/Heidsieck, Paris, 16.3.1972
I: Karlsruhe 1975a, pp. 124-125. Paris 1975a, p. 57. Zürich 2000, p. 115 Luzern 1979, pp. 74, 76. Bielefeld 1981, pp. 35, 96. Debary 2017, PP. 50,70, 156-157
III: Kunz 1979