Der Lärm der Stiefel, die Stille der Pantoffeln
The Noise of the Boots, the Silence of the Slippers
CR 116. Year 1995

- EN
- DE
The Noise of the Boots, the Silence of the Slipper
The exhibition is the point where time is stopped.
Ulrich Krempel 1988
This is just one example of Gerz's belief in art as a poetic act of faith. Rather than dealing with commemoration through the presence of a column as a monument, he chooses to emphasise the physical absence of the monument, as it will thus grow more significant in our minds - a living commemoration.
Bojana Pejic 1993
Red vinyl letters
A text is affixed to a wall at a height of 60 cm. The installation is realized for the exhibition entitled Dem Deutschen Deserteur (To the German Deserter).
Galerie Hubertus Wunschik, Düsseldorf 1995
I: Düsseldorf 1997, p. 8
II: Nass 1, 1995. Raab 1995, p. 413. Willems 1995