Demande de renseignements
CR 473. Year 1967

“The images in this collection are clearly not made on a computer,” graphic designer John Maeda writes in the book’s preface. “What is it about them? It’s their imperfection; their mechanical imperfection, carefully mixed with human sensibilities and grit.”
Carey Dunne 2015
Visual Poetry
Photocollage (a newspaper photography cutting and stamp color on the application form for a telephone connection) on paper, 27.7 x 21 cm, signed verso lower right
The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, Miami Beach (1981)
Brescia 1969
I: Paris 1967. Florida 1986, p. 382 (dort bezeichnet als “girl”/ referred to as ‘girl’)
V: Sackner 2015 pp. 140