The State of Our Provisions
Der Stand unserer Vorräte
L’état de nos provisions
CR 339. Year 1987

- EN
- DE
- FR
Whereas we came to learn about ammunition, pigment erosion and the state of our provisions
Dans “L’état de nos provisions” qui installe un miroir au milieu des photos et des textes, le spectateur qui se voit dedans se retrouve partie intégrante du tableau... "Signature éphémère qui ne dépose pas du visuel... qui s’inscrive dans le temps."
Michel Nuridsany 1989
Gerz is clearly aware of the paradoxes in any story. If something is told, something else is not. Does that mean that the parts which were not told or read did not occur? How can one remain aware of the parts which may not have been told but are still present? The forms which his art takes are carefully chosen to suggest that what is present, what we see, is only a portion of the story. We often can only imagine the rest or we must search to discover it.
Judith Mastai 1993
Mixed Media Photograph
53 framed b+w photographs, 2 framed mirrors, 1 framed text (typed on paper, enlarged photograph), each 40,5 x 50,5 cm, total 289,5 x 411 cm
The text is typed in three languages.
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
Brugge 1987. Rennes 1987. Düsseldorf 1988 (Wien 1988, Jouy-en-Josas 1989, Saint-Étienne 1989, Hamburg 1990). Vancouver 1994 (Newport Beach 1995, Purchase 1996)
I: Düsseldorf 1988, pp. 106-109. Jouy-en-Josas 1988, pp. 106-109. Tarazona 1992, pp. 100-101. Vancouver 1994, p. 84
II: Drateln 1989, pp. 42-44. Holmes 1990, pp. 22- 23. Bleiberg 1995, p. 4
III: Mastai 1994, p. 3-4. Mastai 1995