Night Images
Peinture dans la Nuit
CR 67. Year 1979

To leave a trace. To trace a path which existed, but no longer exists. The trace which disappears in a trace. To live. Not to live. To exist. To have existed. To remember.
Helmut Heißenbüttel 1976. Translated by e_CR editors
(with students from the Ecole Municipale des Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg: Martine Bloc, Annica Burrus, David Clarke, Cathérine Daval, Annie Greiner, Katia Mage, Thierry Mathet, Armel Plunnier, Elisabeth Pourreyron, Werner Roman, Manuella de Sena)
Photographic opaque, brushes, 463 sheets of paper, each 75 x 50 cm Duration 3 hours
Jochen Gerz and the students produce drawings in a darkened room. All performers use the same materials (photographic opaque, brushes, sheets of paper). The performance comes to an end when all available material is used up. The 463 completed drawings are exhibited as anonymous works. An edition of the same title is realized on the basis of the performance.
Ecole municipale des Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg, 7.12.1979
Strasbourg 1979. Kassel 1980