Exposition de 8 personnes habitant la rue Mouffetard
Exhibition of 8 people living on rue Mouffetard
CR 30. Year 1972

Bruno A. Chavanne
Yves Tissier
Sylvie Habault
Ghislain de Marsily
Dominique Dasqué
Marcel Charousset
Henri Lelièvre
Florence Eskenazy
It is the name – the abstract image of its bearer that bestows social presence upon everyone… Letters turn out to be evidence of life and a social label simultaneously.
Georges Schlocker 1974. Translated by e_CR editors
Der Name - das abstrakte Abbild seines Trägers, er ist es, der jedem soziale Gegenwart verleiht. Die Reaktionen fing Gerz wiederum mit dem Photoapparat ein. Damit machte er sich zum Reporter einer provozierten Wirklichkeit, da nämlich, wo der Name mit seinem Träger zusammenstieß. Schriftzeichen entpuppen sich als Lebensbeweis und gleichzeitig als soziales Label.
Georges Schlocker 1974
Since the first time I encountered Jochen Gerz, in late summer 1983 at Tel-Hai it was clear to me that his work pivots mainly around the question of identity – private and collective.
Mordechai Omer 1995
Performance / Work in Public Space
(with students of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris)
Full title: Exposition de 8 personnes habitant la rue Mouffetard, Paris, à travers leurs noms, sur les murs de leur rue même / Exhibition of 8 people living on rue Mouffetard, Paris, having their names written on the wall of their own street
2 posters (photographic opaque on paper, screenprint), each 66,5 x 48 cm
Duration indefinite
Two posters with the names of eight randomly selected residents of the Rue Mouffetard are affixed to the outside walls of several buildings in the same street. The performance ends when the posters are covered by others.
Museum Wiesbaden
Rue Mouffetard, Paris 1972
Left over posters
Exhibition of the documentation
Düsseldorf 1990 (Zürich 1990). Strasbourg 1994. Bolzano 1999. Kiel, Windsor, Tønder, 2000
I: Darmstadt 1973, pp. 128-134. Roma 1973, pp. 20-21. Karlsruhe 1975a, pp. 21, 122-123. Paris 1975a, pp. 15, 18, 56. Luzern 1979, pp. 47, 58. Bielefeld 1981, pp. 10, 12, 94. Strasbourg 1994, pp. 20, 41-43. Vancouver 1994, pp. 44-45. Ostfildern 1995, p. 41. Bolzano 1999, p. 18. Zürich 2000, p. 102. Ivry-sur-Seine 2017, pp. 70-71, 158-159
II: Parent 1972, pp. 6-7. Schlocker 3, 1973, p. 3. Gatard 1978, p. 34. Gravel 1978, p. 49. Red. 7, 1987, p. 115. Kunz 1979. Béraud 1994, p. 10. Mayer 1994
III: Parent 1972, p. 18. Sauerbier 1993 in LimeLight 1994, p. 13
V: Metken 1977, p. 125. Lechner 1991, p. 152.
VI: The Event Horizon 1987, p. 273