Das 20. Jahrhundert
The 20th Century
Le 20ème siècle
Jochen Gerz and Esther Shalev-Gerz
CR 121. Year 1996

- DE
- EN
Wenn das 20. Jahrhundert noch einmal stattfände, was würden Sie ändern?
... The art world in the last years of the 20th century keeps doubt under lock and key like Pandora's box. Most "mediators of art" and a large number of artists fear doubt more than an electricity failure affecting their computers and fax machines. Rightly so since no matter how much doubt is part of creative work, it scarcely pays its way and the "unknown exploits of the future" - as Norbert Elias called what as to be discovered - are little appreciated at art fairs…. Gerz has declared the monolithic work of art to be "madness", rejected the one true form of expression as totalitarian, and found his impulse in the floating state of doubt.
Doris von Drathen 1990
Work in public space
8 full-page newspaper ads, published in the Abendblatt newspaper for Oberhausen, Mülheim and Marl, wooden panel, 700 x 173 cm, ropes, 20 books, each 29.8 x 23.4 cm
Skulpturenmuseum, Marl
The installation is based on ads published by two daily newspapers in the Ruhr Region between February and April 1996. Readers are invited to answer the following question: Wenn das 20. Jahrhundert noch einmal stattfände, was würden Sie ändern? (If the 20th century were to take place again, what would you want to change?) A total of 228 answers are received and published in a book. The installation consists of a table, whose shape alludes to the design of the newspaper ad, and twenty books lying on the table.
Skulpturenmuseum, Marl.
Abendblatt (daily newspaper) Oberhausen, Mülheim and Marl, 27.2., 5.3., 6.3., 12.3., 13.3., 19.3., 20.3. 26.3., 27.3., 2.4., 3.4., 10.4., 17.4. 1996
Oberhausen 1996
I: Oberhausen 1996a. Oberhausen 1996b, pp. 18, 74-81. Bolzano 1999, p. 129. Zürich 2000, p. 103
II: Schmid 2, 1995, p. 12. Bruckschen 1996. Göllner 1996. Hoffmann 1996. Imdahl 1996, p. 36. Müller 1996. Red. 6, 1996. Red. 9+10, 1996. Red. 12-27, 1996. Schiff 1996, p. 108. Schmid 2, 1996, p. 7. Schmitz 1996. Strommenger 1996. Traub 1996. Unger 1-3, 1996. Wallitzek 1996
III: Eicker 1996
V: Thierry 1998, pp. 46, 59