Ce soir à 23 heures 45
Tonight at 11:45 pm
CR 4. Year 1968

- FR
- EN
Ce soir à 23 heures 45 entre la porte de Clignancourt et la rue d’Alésia 1 million de parisiens font l’amour chez eux, vous êtes invités à participer au spectacle. Agentzia
(...) these interventions (...) - in opposition to artworks in public spaces, such as monuments, equestrian statues, busts and fountains - take on the nature of ephemeral operations which stand outside of usual categories. The primary meaning of these public spaces can thus be derived from the artist's gesture, which attempts to fracture the boundaries that separate the work of art from the fullness of life around it.
Marion Hohlfeldt 1999
The anti-"art" Situationists, with their concept of détournement - swerving away from the norm, perverting the expected - were particularly striking for Gerz, just when Paris itself became a living poem of their posters, slogans and graffiti in May '68.
Sarah Wilson 2004
Performance / Work in public space
Stickers (ink on paper)
Number of copies unknown, each 13.5 x 21 cm
Printed stickers are stuck to windows in public space and distributed to pedestrians. The text informs readers that 1 million Parisians make love at 11:45 p.m. and invites them to participate in the spectacle.
An edition of the stickers exists under the same title (730).
Métro station Alésia, Paris 1968. Heidelberg 1969