63 Jahre danach
63 Years After
CR 893. Year 2008-2010

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Texts (comments, selection)
We cleanse Graz’ is a slogan on countless election posters in the winter of 2007/08, and frighteningly it is the first association with this picture. Actually the ...
The specific character of this memorial project lay in the fact that its aim was not to produce a traditional object or memorial but to trigger a public discussion process conducted via the media.
Paolo Bianchi 2016
The trust that he places in the public: in its capacity to reflect in the present about the present. This approach excludes from the outset a merely obligatory conclusion about the past. The power to decide and the power to speak are capacities that Gerz accords not only to those participating in his projects but to all citizens... Through this trust—which is the foundation of this approach—relations in the culture of commemoration are restructured. This brings with it a change in perspective that lends remembrance a new social dimension... 63 years after is an invitation to participate in voting on written contributions by participants. It is they who decide on the character of 63 years after. It is hard to imagine an artist pulling back further from his work, showing an even greater degree of trust. Comparisons with the present are repeatedly made by the writers.
Werner Fenz 2016
Today we can see the scars on the asphalt that remain after dismantling 63 years after, Jochen Gerz’s counter-memorial project by the city of Graz after a political change. These marks that we can see today on the ground are in a way today’s reminders of the events and everyday life in Graz during the time of National Socialism. So we have the story about a story that is about a story that remains invisible.
Sarita Mulabdic 2016
Public authorship / Work in public space
Newspaper publications, 19 photo/text objects
in public space (Styria)
Historians and art scholars from the university in Graz were invited to compile a collection of photographs from the years of National Socialist rule about the abuse of power in everyday life. The Kleine Zeitung, the largest daily newspaper in the province of Styria, published 96 photographs with commentaries. Readers were asked to select one photo from each of 48 pairs and to return their contributions to the newspaper. The 48 photos selected were commented upon by 48 of the 54 deputies to the Styrian provincial parliament and presented to readers for selection once again.
24 photographs from the Nazi era and contemporary commentaries were returned by readers to the Kleine Zeitung and published in the newspaper. 24 locations in Graz and Styria were also chosen by readers proposing, 12 sites in Graz and 12 others in the province of Styria. Over 5,000 readers took part in the six-month process of realizing 63 Jahre danach.
The objects were installed at Rein (Eisbach), Feldbach, Gleisdorf, Graz (11 locations), Köflach, Leoben, Selztal, St. Ilgen and Wagna. The installation was refused at 4 places the public had chosen (Bad Mitterndorf, Haus im Emstal, Neumarkt, Rohrmoos-Untertal and Wirtschaftskammer Graz). The decentralized public work of art was inaugurated in 19 locations in March 2010.
Four years after its inauguration, the newly elected right wing coalition of the city of Graz decided, in spite of public protest, to dismantle 63 Years After.
Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin.
Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz.
Research scientists from Graz University, Newspaper readers of the Kleine Zeitung Graz, members of the Styrian Parliament
Kultur Steiermark – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Institut für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark in der Landes museum Joanneum GmbH, Die Kleine Zeitung
Exhibition of the Documentation
Graz 2016.
Graz 2008 – 2010
I: Wien 2016, pp. 34, 37, 40-41, 69-147, 158-209
II: Ed. 1, 2009. Ed. 2, 2009. Ed. 3, 2009. Ed. 4, 2009. Red. 5, 2009. Ed. 6, 2009. Ed. 7, 2009. Ed. 8, 2009. Red. 9, 2009. Ed. 10, 2009. Ed. 11, 2009. Ed. 12, 2009. Red. 13, 2009. Ed. 14, 2009. Ed. 15, 2009. Ed. 16, 2009. Red. 17, 2009. Ed. 18, 2009. Ed. 19, 2009. Ed. 20, 2009. Red. 21, 2009. Ed. 22, 2009. Ed. 23, 2009. Ed. 24, 2009. Red. 52, 2009. Götz 2009. Prückler 2009. Titz 1, 2009. Titz 2, 2009. Titz 3, 2009. Titz 4, 2009. Titz 5, 2009. Ed. 1, 2010. Red. 2, 2010. Ed. 3, 2010. Ed. 4, 2010. Ed. 5, 2010. Red. 6, 2010. Ed. 7, 2010. Ed. 8, 2010. Ed. 9, 2010. Ed. 10, 2010. Ed. 11, 2010. Ed. 12, 2010. Ed. 13, 2010. Ed. 14, 2010. Ed. 15, 2010. Ed. 16, 2010. Ed. 17. 2010. Ed. 18,2010. Auer, 2010. Bast 1, 2010. Bast 2, 2010. Fenz, 2010. Frühwirt 2010. Gaisch / Gross 2010. Götz 1, 2010. Götz 2, 2010. Götz 3, 2010. Götz 4, 2010. Götz 5, 2010. Götz 6, 2010. Götz 7, 2010. Huemer 2010. Kopcsandi 2010. Melcher 2010. Reithofer-Haidacher 2010. Schafferhofer 2010. Schedlmayer 2010. Seebacher 2010. Senarclens de Grancy 2010. Steiner 2010. Wieser 2010. Weitzer 2010. Ed. 3, 2014. Ed. 4, 2014. Ed. 5, 2014. Baumhackl 2014 a. Baumhackl 2014 b.Baer-Bogenschütz 2014. Müller 2014 a. Müller 2014 b. Müller 2014 c. Nesjah 2014. Schedlmayer 2014 a. Schedlmayer 2014 b. Schweighofer 2014. Pakesch, Muchitsch, Fiedler 2014. Funken 2020
III: Götz 2009. Höller 2009. Schön 2010. Swoboda 2010. Baumhackl 2014
IV: Bärnbach-Köflach 2010. Graz 1, 2010. Graz 2, 2010. Graz 3, 2010. Graz 4, 2010. Graz 5, 2010. Wien 2010. Graz 1, 2014.Graz 2, 2014
VI: Graz 2014