(Mysterium) tremens, fascinans
CR 78. Year 1982

It is clear that we use the pictures to make our own contents, and so the gaze is like writing and art as well: reflective action, functioning to self-made rules. We breathe life into the pictures, a life of the imagination and memory. But life itself, of which these pictures speak, cannot take place in them. The surface offers no place to that. Space is not the place for life either.
Friedemann Malsch 1988
Two photographs with the same motif (40 x 50 cm and 18 x 22 cm) are placed as far apart as possible in the same room in such a way that they mirror each other.
The photograph was taken during the performance We are coming (74) at the Konsthall Malmö (1981).
Feelisch Collection, Remscheid
Bourbon-Lancy 1982. Amsterdam 1982. Tel Aviv 1995
I: Düsseldorf 1988, p. 13. Tel Aviv 1995, p. 79
V: Wolf 1992, pp. 129-130, 231