Der Traum des Sockels
The Dream of the Plinth
Le rêve du socle
CR 903. Year 2020

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STOA169 is a community work. What is a community and who belongs to it
The fact that Stoa 169 is a collaborative work is particularly well emphasised by Jochen Gerz's column. It lists the names of all those involved, the artists as well as the craftsmen and excavator drivers.
Sabine Reithmaier 2021
Dass die Stoa 169 eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit ist, unterstreicht besonders gut die Säule von Jochen Gerz. Sie verzeichnet die Namen aller Beteiligten, die der Künstler genauso wie die der Handwerker oder Baggerfahrer.
Sabine Reithmaier 2021
Work in public space / Public authorship
Column with 797 names
Column: white concrete, height 390 cm, diameter 60 cm
Base 100 x 100 x 13 cm and capital: 100 x 100 x 23 cm
Names: red letters (negative opaque), font Work Sans Bold Versal 14 mm, line pitch 21 mm, optical spacing 40-70
An open hall, imagined by the artist Bernd Zimmer for the STOA169 foundation, is built on a meadow near the Bavarian village of Polling. The giant work, the hall and its over 100 columns – each designed by an internationally renowned artist – is realised thanks to the collaboration of artists, designers, IT-specialists, graphic and typographic designers, architects, engineers, carpenters, technicians, builders, drivers, craftsmen and is communicated by photographers, writers, critics, editors, printers, painters and others …
The column of Jochen Gerz entitled The Dream of the Plinth (Der Traum des Sockels) records the names of all those taking part in the process that made the columns happen.
STOA169 foundation (commissioner)